Terhubung dengan salah satu penyedia wallet yang tersedia. Apa itu wallet??
Kami tidak memiliki kunci pribadi dan tidak dapat mengakses danamu.
Wallets are used to send, receive, and store digital assets like Ether. Wallets come in many forms. They are either built into your browser, an extension added to your browser, a piece of hardware plugged into your computer, or even an app on your phone.
To get a deep understanding of metamask, visit Metamask 101
In order to create a cryto wallet, follow the tutorial here
Tanggal dan Jam
04 Feb, 2023 21:00
Nama Venue
Hall D2, JIEXPO Kemayoran
Jakarta Pusat
Kode Pos
Kategori Tiket
VIP Ticket
After a five-year tour hiatus and the release of her newest album, Blue Water Road, Kehlani has announced her Blue Water Road Asia Tour dates. She will be performing live in Jakarta with special guest Destin Conrad. Presented by Mola Chill Club only for Mola subscribers, the concert will be held on February 4th, 2023, at Hall D2 JIEXPO Kemayoran. It will be her first performance in Jakarta after she had to cancelled her 2018’s live concert due to safety reason.
Memeriksa saldo dan menyetujui
0 Ticket has been void
You can now continue putting the NFT Tickets up for sale
Ikuti wallet-nya
0 Ticket has been void
You can now continue transfering the NFT Ticket(s)
Kamu akan mengajukan tawaran untuk Kehlani, - by MOLA DIGITAL
Kirim transaksi dengan wallet kamu
Setujui tawaranmu
Buat tanda tangan untuk mengajukan penawaran
Apakah kamu yakin untuk membakar token ini? Tindakan ini tidak dapat dipulihkan, Token akan ditransfer ke dead adress.
Ikuti wallet-nya
0 Ticket has been void
You can now burn the NFT Tickets
Apakah kamu yakin akan menghapus dari penjualan? Tawaran yang ada akan dibatalkan.
If you encounter an error, please refresh your browser and re-sumbit
Kirim transaksi dengan wallet kamu
Setujui pembelianmu.
Kirim transaksi dengan wallet kamu
To adjust the price down, when making the transaction, click the Edit button in MetaMask.
A window titled “Edit priority” will appear. Simply adjust the price down to whatever you want, and click Save. Usually it’s not worth adjusting it more than a few clicks, because low offers could remain pending for a very long time.
Then click ‘Edit suggested’ gas fee and the window below will open. Set the Gas Fee to Medium (recommended) and click Save.
Now the Gas Fee has dropped and you can confirm your transaction.
If you found you adjusted the Gas Fee too low, you can simply follow the steps above for increasing the offer while the transaction is pending.
The MetaMask interface isn’t the most user-friendly, but once you’re familiar with adjusting gas fees you’ll be effortlessly saving time or saving money, depending on what’s more valuable to you!
Pastikan paket Mola anda aktif untuk bisa melakukan pembelian tiket ini.